Wednesday, July 6, 2011

My Room So Far!

Sorry for the not really real post yesterday :/ I guess you could say I've been a little out of it lately. But that is over now! Anyway, yesterday I spent most of the day researching furniture and stuff that I want for my room. Well I have found practically all of it and so I am really excited :) So last night at about 9:30 we made a quick run to Home Depot and bought some tan colored paint. I bought three shades, and before I painted them on my wall, I liked the middle color the best...
Left: Basketry, Middle: Mushroom Bisque, Right: Plateau
Sorry the quality isn't very good... So I painted the three samples on my wall and they came out really darkk. But I like the lightest shade a lot. My mom suggested that I should get samples of the next two lightest shades that are lighter than plateau. I think I am going to do that just so I can be sure. Anyway, here is what they look like on my wall :
Top Left: Basketry, Top Right: Mushroom Bisque,  Bottom: Plateau

Same Order
Okay so this is how they look on the walls. On the walls, I like the lightest color better but I think that if I paint all four walls this color it will be too dark? That is why I might get the next two lightest shades. What do you guys think? Do you think I should paint it the lightest color (plateau)? Or get lighter colors?
Thank you!


1 comment:

  1. It's ben nearly a year since you posted this, so i'm sure that you've chosen your color and painted. What color did you choose. I like mushroom bisque.
